Friday 27 September 2019

Addiction Treatment Charlotte nc

In February of 2008, Gaffney Health Services under it’s founder Mary E. Gaffney, DO, MPH moved into its current location which is centralized to the entire Charlotte, NC area in the uptown corridor providing full preventive health care and in office diagnostic testing.

The common practice of the 10 minute office visit does not exist at GAFFNEY HEALTH SERVICES as we will never have you just in and out. Rather we will thoroughly evaluate your condition until we are satisfied you are fine. Our concern is your health, as we take the oath to provide total health care to you and all the members of your family. The VALUE of your LIFE mandates that our office visit not only last more than 10 minutes but to ensure that we are available to you as long as you need us to be. Addiction is a common problem in the United States, affecting more than 20 million people. Without proper treatment, addiction significantly affects your quality of life. Mary Gaffney, DO, MPH, at Gaffney Health Services in Charlotte, North Carolina, specializes in the assessment and management of addiction. She provides the help you need to gain control over your addiction so you can get your life back. For compassionate, patient-centered care, call Gaffney Health Services today or request a consultation online.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Cronic pain charlotte NC

Addiction is a common problem in the United States, affecting more than 20 million people. Without proper treatment, addiction significantly affects your quality of life. Mary Gaffney, DO, MPH, at Gaffney Health Services in Charlotte, North Carolina, specializes in the assessment and management of addiction. She provides the help you need to gain control over your addiction so you can get your life back. For compassionate, patient-centered care, call Gaffney Health Services today or request a consultation online.
It is estimated that as many as 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. If you experience coughing, sneezing, or abdominal distress and you don’t know why, it may be allergies. Mary Gaffney, DO. MPH,. at Gaffney Health in Charlotte, North Carolina, provides allergy testing to identify the allergen behind your symptoms. To schedule your allergy testing, call the office today or book an appointment online.
Allergies refer to symptoms you develop when your immune system responds to an agent it considers foreign and harmful, even though it may not be. With allergies, your immune system creates antibodies against the allergen, which lead to various symptoms.

Monday 23 September 2019

Primary care Charlotte nc

The common practice of the 10 minute office visit does not exist at GAFFNEY HEALTH SERVICES as we will never have you just in and out. Rather we will thoroughly evaluate your condition until we are satisfied you are fine. Our concern is your health, as we take the oath to provide total health care to you and all the members of your family. The VALUE of your LIFE mandates that our office visit not only last more than 10 minutes but to ensure that we are available to you as long as you need us to be.

Addiction is a common problem in the United States, affecting more than 20 million people. Without proper treatment, addiction significantly affects your quality of life. Mary Gaffney, DO, MPH, at Gaffney Health Services in Charlotte, North Carolina, specializes in the assessment and management of addiction. She provides the help you need to gain control over your addiction so you can get your life back. For compassionate, patient-centered care, call Gaffney Health Services today or request a consultation online.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Family medicine charlotte

A serious allergy can lead to anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening condition that causes your body to go into a state of shock and respiratory distress. Anaphylaxis requires immediate medical attention.
When you suffer from allergy symptoms, you want to know the cause so you can take steps to avoid the allergen and get relief from your symptoms. Dr. Gaffney offers skin allergy testing at her clinic to help identify the allergen behind your symptoms.
Once we know to what you are allergic, Dr. Gaffney designs a treatment plan to help you get relief from your allergy symptoms. The best way to avoid allergy symptoms is to avoid the thing that causes them. However, that is not always possible especially if the cause is environmental, such as pollen, and you can’t avoid them. Dr. Gaffney may provide treatments aimed at making you feel better.
You are not alone. We are here to help you.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

American college osteopathic family medicine

Allergies are very common and while you can develop an allergy at any time, they most occur during childhood are at risk for allergies if they run in your family.
Allergy symptoms vary in both type and intensity. They can affect your skin, respiratory system, and digestive system.
Allergy symptoms vary in both type and intensity. They can affect your skin, respiratory system, and digestive system.
It is estimated that as many as 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. If you experience coughing, sneezing, or abdominal distress and you don’t know why, it may be allergies. Mary Gaffney, DO. MPH,. at Gaffney Health in Charlotte, North Carolina, provides allergy testing to identify the allergen behind your symptoms. To schedule your allergy testing, call the office today or book an appointment online.